1. Mai 2007


what a week! I had to work so many shifts (no internet!) and NO free May 1st for me! Poor me, but poor me wants to eat and wants to knit!

So I have found a way of dealing with all my UFOS...I do them all, bit by bit, all at the same time. Progress is slow but steady and I never have the feeling of either getting sick of one so much as to force it into the will-never-finish-bag or neglecting one piece I love a lot for the sake of project-knitting. Great, eh?

Stash enhancement: Successful. Lots of it. More to come, but will not tell...due to spoilee spoiling the fun by poking around blogs on the SP participants list and could accidentally be stumbling over this wee spot on the internet...*hehehe*

Clessidra: Progress is being accomplished.

Plunge in general: Have Clessidra and another pair on the needles...(see above part mentioning my new plan of getting rid of UFOs).

Socks: Got complimented at work for my hand-knitted socks. Felt like knitting queen. Still fell like it a little. Maybe a lot.

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