25. September 2010

Learning Curve

Still working on the Irish Cottage Technique on dpns.

It took me quite a while to find an efficient way of wrapping my yarn around my right hand and still manage a correct tension.
The way I do it now seems to produce results which are acceptable:

Wrap yarn around right hand middle finger clockwise once (I have the yarn running over the back of my hand before I wrap it), then position ring finger under the yarn. The middle finger just holds the yarn, the ring finger actually applies the necessary tension.

The needle is positioned between the right hand thumb and forefinger and both play an important role when sliding the needle backwards through the loop, because then they make contact with the needle and guide it on it's way.

The limiting factor regarding speed so far has been my left hand which is not fast enough in pushing the stitches upwards.

I have managed to synchronize the motion of my right hand with that of the right hand needle when it goes through the stitch to be worked, but have not been able to do the same for my left hand.

So...practisepractisepractise and practise some more.

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